Use Representational State Transfer Configuration Protocol (RESTCONF) to Configure a Switch

The documentation does not include information about how to use RESTCONF clients. This example documents some common tasks using Python.

For additional details, see Extreme API with Python .

Before you begin

Configure the RESTCONF server on the switch.


  1. Import classes, define variables, and prepare the session object:
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import sys
    import json
    import requests
    from requests import Request, Session
    from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
    from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
    Host     = ''
    TcpPort  = ‘8080'
    UserName = 'rwa'
    PassWord = 'rwa'
    LoginUrl = 'https://%s:%s/auth/token' % (Host, TcpPort)QueryUrl = 'https://%s:%s/rest/restconf/data/' % (Host, TcpPort)
    vlan     = 123
    session         = Session()
    session.verify  = False
    session.timeout = 5
    session.headers.update({    'Accept': 	  'application/json',
                                'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
                                'Connection':      'keep-alive',
                                'Cache-Control':   'no-cache',
                                'Pragma': 	  'no-cache‘, })
  2. Learn the authentication token:


    The token expires after 24 hours.

    body = '{"username": "%s", "password" : "%s" }' % (UserName,PassWord)
    response = session.put( LoginUrl, body )
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print "ERROR: Login failed"
    else:    session.headers.update({
                 'X-Auth-Token': response.headers['X-Auth-Token‘]
        print "INFO: login passed"
  3. Query all VLANs:
    response = session.get( QueryUrl + 'openconfig-vlan:vlans' )
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print 'ERROR: can‘t fetch VLANs'
  4. Query specific VLANs:
    response = session.get( QueryUrl + 'openconfig-vlan:vlans/vlan=%s' % vlan )
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print 'INFO: VLAN %s doesn‘t exists' % vlan
        print 'INFO: VLAN %s exists' % vlan
  5. Access data:
    inbound_data = json.loads( response.text )
    for vlan in inbound_data['openconfig-vlan:vlans' ]['vlan']:
         print 'VLAN: %s [%s]' % ( vlan['state']['name'], vlan['vlan-id‘] )
  6. Present data:
    inbound_data = json.loads( response.text )
    for dataVlan in inbound_data[ dataObject ]['vlan']:
        print ''
        print 'VLAN: ' + dataVlan['state']['name'] + '[' + dataVlan['vlan-id'] + ']'
        interfaces = ' '
        if 'members' in dataVlan :
            for interface in dataVlan['members']['member ']:
                interfaces = interfaces + interface['interface-ref']['state']['interface'] + ','
            print interfaces
  7. Add a VLAN:
    dataObject = 'openconfig-vlan:vlans‘
    data = { "openconfig-vlan:vlan": [
                                       { "config":
    						     { "name":    "Test-VLAN",
    						       "extreme-mod-oc-vlan:stg-id": 1,
    						       "vlan-id": vlan
    response = QueryUrl + dataObject, json=data )
    if response.status_code != 201:
    	print "ERROR: add VLAN %s failed" % vlan
    	print "INFO: VLAN %s added " % vlan
  8. Update a VLAN:
    dataObject = 'openconfig-vlan:vlans/vlan=%s/config' % vlan
    data = { "openconfig-vlan:config":
                   { "name":    "New-VLAN-Name" }
    response = session.patch( QueryUrl + dataObject )
    if response.status_code != 204:
        print "ERROR: update VLAN %s fails" % vlan
        print "INFO: VLAN %s updated" % vlan
  9. Delete a VLAN:
    dataObject = 'openconfig-vlan:vlans/vlan=%s' % vlan
    response = session.delete( QueryUrl + dataObject )
    if response.status_code != 204:
        print "ERROR: delete VLAN %s fails" % vlan
        print "INFO: VLAN %s deleted" % vlan